Asbestos Sample Testing

What is Asbestos Sample Testing?

Asbestos testing involves analysing suspect materials to determine whether or not they contain any asbestos.

There are some known common asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) such as textured coatings, cement, sprayed coatings, insulation boards and pipe lagging.

Testing involves taking single or bulk samples of any suspected ACMs and sending the samples to an asbestos tester to be analysed for asbestos fibres in an independent laboratory.

The results will determine whether asbestos is present, and if so, the type(s) found.

The 3 most common types of asbestos are Chrysotile, Crocidolite and Amosite.

asbestos testing - identifies presence of asbestos
Asbestos testing on suspected materials will determine the presence of asbestos

Asbestos Sampling – Asbestos Sample Testing

Before any asbestos testing and analysis of asbestos can be conducted on suspect materials, the task of asbestos sampling must be performed.

An asbestos license is NOT required for asbestos sampling in the UK.

According to the HSE website, if the suspect material has already broken off, you will be able to take the sample yourself providing that there’s no risk of spreading debris or exposing yourself to dust.

If taking samples yourself, you MUST ensure that you do it safely and follow the correct procedure.

You must dampen the sample, place it in a self-sealing polythene bag, put this in a second self-sealing bag and label it before sending it to a UKAS-accredited laboratory.

DIY Asbestos Testing Kits UK

We now sell full asbestos testing kits for people in the UK wishing to take their own samples and send them to the laboratory themselves. So if you’re wondering how to test for asbestos, please head to our sister website to purchase your kit by clicking on the button below.

Some people will not feel comfortable taking their samples and would much rather a professional do an asbestos check for them. This is mainly because they know exactly how to check for asbestos.

Armco Asbestos Surveys can send one of our trained Asbestos Surveyors to your property to safely take a single sample or bulk samples for you.

We will then send the collected asbestos samples to our independent UKAS-accredited testing laboratory.

The samples will be analysed and you will receive the results of the asbestos testing usually within 24 hours, along with a sampling and testing report.

Our prices for asbestos sampling and testing start at £125 plus VAT.

asbestos testing by scientist in laboratory
We use a UKAS-accredited laboratory to test samples of suspect materials

When do I need asbestos testing?

Providing you aren’t planning on doing any work that may disturb asbestos-containing materials, such as decorating or refurbishment, then there is no need to test for the presence of asbestos.

However, if you are planning on doing any kind of remedial work to the property, whether it be a residential or commercial property, then you must arrange for testing to be done before commencing with any work, to determine the presence or absence of asbestos.

If you require more detailed information about the location, amount, type and condition of any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), or if you are the person responsible for the maintenance of non-domestic premises (duty holder), then you will need an asbestos survey.

The asbestos survey will help provide enough accurate information so that an asbestos register, risk assessment and management plan can be prepared.

An asbestos survey will normally involve sampling and analysis to determine the presence of asbestos.

We offer two different types of asbestos surveys according to your needs – asbestos management surveys and asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys.

Following an asbestos survey, we will produce an asbestos survey report that details our findings.

This information can then help you to prepare an asbestos risk register.

We provide asbestos testing in the following areas:-

Book your asbestos testing now!

For more information about our Asbestos Sampling and Testing on all kinds of properties across the UK, or to find out more about our asbestos surveys in general, speak to our team now at 0161 763 3727, or complete the form on this page and we’ll call you back.

Asbestos awareness training

Did you know we also offer comprehensive Asbestos Awareness Training? We’ve provided training to thousands of companies throughout the UK both large and small enabling them to deal with certain aspects of asbestos themselves. We also provide an online asbestos awareness course. Please visit our dedicated asbestos training site for more information.

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