HSE warns of unannounced visits to Refurbishment Repair sites

Last Updated on 13th April 2022 by Dan

Starting from the 22nd of September until the 17th of October HSE Construction Inspectors will be carrying out unannounced visits to try and improve industry standards and to increase awareness and enforce their expectations of the industry in question. They also wish to demonstrate their capacity to use the enforcement tools it has been granted to remove immediate risks and promote sustained improvement.

The inspectors will be looking for: Exposure to hazardous dust such as Silica and other small particles such as Asbestos fibres and how the situation would be handled upon its discovery, handling of other hazardous materials, noise and vibration levels, ensuring the site is well organised and making sure equipment is correctly installed, inspected, maintained and used in the correct manner.

Out of 2,607 visited last year there was a worrying 1,100 failures (nearly 650 were so bad that the HSE concluded that enforcement action was necessary in order to protect workers). Hopefully there will be an improvement this year for the sake of businesses as well as the HSE, who aren’t known for pulling punches when it comes to enforcing their rigorous safety standards.

If you happen to be in a business where you may need a survey to identify any health risks from asbestos (as is required by law) then you can get one at highly competitive price here, we also provide various types of Training for dealing with Asbestos such as Asbestos Awareness Training (also required by law if workers are likely to be exposed through general work) and Asbestos removal training as well as Face Fit Testing (click here)


Published Oct 06, 2014