Families of Mesothelioma & Asbestos victims urging former colleagues to come forward.

Last Updated on 22nd April 2021 by Marketing

Sadly, in the past we have seen many examples of employers failing to take responsibility for the safety of workers. With Mesothelioma taking usually an average of 30 years to show signs and develop, today we are seeing a high number of cases of death due to exposure in the 1960’s – 1980’s when asbestos was rife in construction.

There have been a number of cases where families of deceased victims are looking for justice and compensation on behalf of their family members. They are calling on lawyers and former colleagues to give evidence into working conditions.

A painter and decorator who worked for Croydon Council has recently passed away due to the effects of asbestos exposure. Harry Russell died in August 2013 from the asbestos related lung disease Mesothelioma, just 2 days after he was diagnosed. The disease was said to be caused by exposure to asbestos during his time of employment with Croydon Council.

His family are looking for justice appealing to former colleagues to come forward and give information about working conditions during his time with the council. Family members have told lawyers how they remember Mr. Russell speak about working on cooling towers at the council head quarters that have been known to contain asbestos.

Mr Russell was also involved in painting public buildings such as schools and old peoples homes between the years of 1964 and 1995 which was before the ban of asbestos in 2000 and when it was still used often in construction.

His family hopes that former colleagues will cone forward to tell the lawyers about the working conditions and lack of safety measures to stop staff inhaling asbestos dust in order to gain compensation and justice. They need to know exactly where he was exposed and what; if any measures employers took to maintain the safety of workers.  Mr Russell’s family want to make sure his employers are accountable for their failings.


Stuart Goodwin worked as an electrician in the 1960’s on the CIS building in Manchester whilst contracting for CWS Engineering LTD.  Mr Goodwin developed Mesothelioma some time within his working life, potentially whilst working on the construction of the building from 1961-1963. After his diagnosis Mr Goodwin sought the help of an industrial disease specialist lawyer, Thompson Solicitors to investigate the compensation claim for himself and his family.

Mr Goodwin said that he had no idea that asbestos was so dangerous and he was not made aware of this during his time contracting for the firm. He is appealing to his former colleagues and anyone that was working at the building around the same time to come forward and provide information about working conditions.

Any information from former employees means Mr Goodwin and his family are supported in their claim to hold the employers responsible and accountable for his illness.


Duty holders and employers have a legal responsibility to manage asbestos in their building so as not to put employees at risk. Contact our Armco office for asbestos management and refurbishment/ demolition surveys on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting https://www.armco.org.uk/. Alternatively call 0161 761 4424 or visit https://www.armcoasbestostraining.co.uk/ for enquires or to book a training course




Published Feb 19, 2015