UK Governments compensation scheme for Mesothelioma cancer sufferers

Last Updated on 14th December 2017 by Admin

UK Governments compensation scheme for Mesothelioma cancer sufferers

Official figures show that over £84 million has been awarded in compensation to sufferers of the asbestos related disease, Mesothelioma, and their families.

This is due to a government scheme that was introduced in April 2014.

The scheme is known as DMPS, Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme.

Statistics show that 2,515 people died from Mesothelioma in the UK in 2014, and most of these patients died within only 12 months of being diagnosed with the illness.

The government scheme is funded by a levy on the Employers’ Liability Compulsary Insurance industry, which was set this year at £40.4 million.

Figures compiled show that between April and September of last year, an average of 29 applicants per month applied for compensation through the scheme.

66% of the total applications were successful.

The average lump sum payment made through the scheme was approx £141,000, an increase from £135,000 the previous year.

There is a deadline for applications

The DMPS compensation scheme has a cut off point for new applications.

You must apply within 3 years of your diagnosis.

So for example, for anyone diagnosed between 25th July 2012 and 5th April 2016, you must apply by 5th April 2017.

The Minister for Disabled people, Health and Work, Penny Morduant, said, “It is absolutely right that the Government steps in to help people who cannot get the compensation they deserve from their former employers.”

“I want to ensure all who might benefit from this scheme are aware of it.”

She further commented, “Those most at risk of developing Mesothelioma include men who worked in the building industry when asbestos was used extensively.”

“Symptoms vary and it can take up to 20 to 40 years after exposure for symptoms that allow doctors to diagnose the disease to appear.”

If you would like to find out more information about the Government’s DMPS compensation scheme, then please visit


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Published Mar 14, 2017

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