DfE estimates more than three quarters of schools in UK contain asbestos

Last Updated on 22nd April 2021 by Marketing

Last year, the Department for Education (DfE) revealed that its “best estimate” was that more than three-quarters of schools in the UK contain asbestos.

In support of the above statement, figures obtained by a Freedom of Information (FOI) request reveal more than 200 of the 302 state schools in Gloucestershire County Council could contain the material. In response to the FOI request, the Council said: “It is likely that 70% plus of Gloucestershire County Council schools contain asbestos of some type. Many of our schools built before the year 2000 contain some form of asbestos”.  They also reassured that the asbestos in schools is not dangerous “unless it is disturbed”.

Studies show that more than 140 teachers in the UK have died from the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma in the past 10 years. All the information presented illustrates the need for all schools built before the year 2000 to have a Management Survey implemented. This type of survey will identify any asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) and assess the condition of this material. From this data, recommendations are then made as to how the ACM’s should be managed. For example, if the materials need to be remediated and further inspections cycles.

Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys indicate again whether there are ACM’s but rather than recommending how to manage the material it states the removal procedures.  Armco offers both surveying services as well as single and bulk analysis of material. We also provide consultancy, asbestos related training and remedial/removal works.

Armco has undertaken surveys of all different types of properties of any size, including many schools. Call the office for further details and a competitive quote on 0161 763 3727.



Published Sep 07, 2012